
Even as God’s word says,  ‘when the day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from Heaven as a rushing mighty wind….and they were all filled ( furnished and equipped)  with the Holy Spirit …. Acts 2

We declare – this is the season of revival, it is the season of change and of upgrade.  We declare in this day God is releasing His Spirit in great measure, that His people will emerge, visible, noteworthy in oneness and love, moving in new dimensions of revelation that the miraculous is released upon the earth. That as the wind of His Spirit blows, the Church will move from the old and into the new, that every promise of harvest will be fulfilled.

Now, we come into agreement with God’s word in Psalm 24 and we declare ‘the earth is the Lord’s and everything in it’, and we thank Him for its provision, its beauty, and for the purposes inherent within.

We thank Him for our farming industry and for all those who work within it, and we speak great peace and strength to them, that in the midst of uncertainties, they will find strength and hope to look towards the future. We recognise the depth of our dependence upon the land, and we thank Him for the position within the economy of the nation that it holds. In the Name of Jesus, we decree and declare a reset into increased blessing and fruitfulness.

We decree and declare alignment with Heaven of all aspects of the farming industry, over trade agreements, over all policies, expectations and cultures which impact and shape it.

We declare a reset over the farms themselves, that as a new generation of farmers emerge, the land will be stewarded well, and new methods, strategies and financial models released. We decree and declare this industry, will flourish with unprecedented increase, great harvests and long-term sustainability.

Suzanne Ferrett


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