“mercy and truth go before Your face”, Psalm 89:14
We decree and declare over this nation, this is the day for the spiritual warriors to arise, those carrying heavens strategies, mature men and women, filled with wisdom and understanding whose hands have been trained for battle and whose feet are shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. We declare true victory is found within His Presence and exercised from His Presence.
We thank Him for every shift in perspective concerning media we are seeing at this time and we declare in this nation truth will increasingly be valued, expected and become the experience of our society.
We decree and declare specifically over all media reporting, the plumb-line of truth is being established, clearly separating between truth and lies, fact and fiction, integrity and exaggeration, between kingdom values and worldly values – that from hard copy, TV and Radio to social media, all coverage will be truthful, accurate and clear.
We come into agreement with the foundation of truth inscribed upon the walls of Broadcasting House, “whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are lovely…meditate on these things”, and we decree and declare a shift, that as God’s Spirit moves upon our nation, media will become a tool in His hand for Godly transformation.
Now Lord, we thank You for every one of Your people who stand on this mountain and we recognise the power of media for communication, so in the Name of Jesus we decree and declare heavenly blueprints for righteous reporting are being released in this land and that those God has prepared will be positioned and connected for the days ahead. We decree and declare a new wave of creative purity in music, movies, novels, journalism, drama, films and every avenue of media will be released.
We decree this nation will live by the Truth and in the light of the Truth, in the Name of Jesus. ( 2019)
Suzanne Ferrett