As we move into this summer season, many have walked through difficulty, pressure and cleansing in the past few months; God is now deploying and activating His people – so it is time to stop doing the familiar and be open for the new.
Within that context, God has told me to stop the declarations for at least a month so that all of us have the space to be open and listening to hear from the Spirit of God for ourselves.
Please do continue to pray – there are many declarations on our website, and also in the books which can be purchased from there.
The two strongest areas of need for prayer are obviously Government but also please take time to pray for the Queen.
I am so grateful to you all for the incredible partnership of prayer which we have.
Every blessing for the next few weeks –
‘How sweet are your promises to me; sweeter than honey is your revelation-light’ Psalms 119:103
Over every aspect of our lives, we declare this is a season of fresh revelation. God is speaking new things, He is opening new doors and we continue to declare alignment with His Truth, His purposes and His call. We declare this holiday season will be a season of rest, refreshment and restoration for individuals, couples and families. For those who are unable to take time, we release a supernatural season of rest and a fresh awareness of His Presence, in the Name of Jesus.
We declare as the winds of God’s Spirit blow across this land, the fullness of the revival and awakening He desire for this nation will be released. We speak healing into the regrets, the failures and the wounds of the past, and we decree and declare in the Name of Jesus, God’s people will move from the place of preparation into the place of activation, that their love for Him and their hunger for Him will cause every barrier to be removed as they press through to know Him more.
Even as humility precedes promotion, we declare they will fix their “eyes upon Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith”, that His resurrection power, will cause trust, faith and fresh vision to come. In that place of rest and relaxation, we call Your people into Your Presence, to hear Your voice and to know Your ways, that even as Moses encountered You in the wilderness, this will be a season of fresh encounters, restoration and breakthroughs.
We declare God’s Spirit is brooding over this nation, that His people will forget what has gone before pressing on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of Christ Jesus. He is calling forth those who will lead in the days ahead, not because of title or position but because of the depth, authenticity and obedience of their walk with You.
We thank Him that in this day the armies of Heaven are being released to aid His people.