
“The Lord was with Joseph, and he was a successful man; …and his master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord made all he did to prosper in his hand” Genesis 39: 2,3

We thank You for the dual anointing You have given this land in past seasons, to both preach the gospel and to influence cultures across nations, modelling freedom, democracy and Godly governance.

Now  in the Name of Jesus, we declare the God given gift of governance will arise in great measure again across this land, shaping, transforming and structuring.

We declare every uncertainty and difficulty in a possible “No Deal “ Brexit, will be identified and settled, and we speak peace to the storm of fear caused by the words of men.

We speak Godly governance into the civil service, the cabinet and all those working for the future of this land; into state institutions and every local outworking of Government, and we speak Godly governance into businesses, companies and corporations, that the economy of the nation will remain strong in transition, in Jesus name.

Now Lord, even as a pulling down of old structures and alignments is taking place, we call Your people into Your Presence to hear Your Voice, that the power of prayer will be released into every sphere of society, local and national, releasing a fresh building anointing in line with Your Kingdom purpose,  across the nation.  (First Posted September 2018)

We thank you Jesus for every aspect of Godly inheritance that You put within our land. This is a day when You are connecting the past with the future. Now, we continue to declare the Lordship and Sovereign will of God over every aspect of the Brexit Bill, over the future relationship with the European Union, over Trade Policy, the Customs Union, the Irish Border, and the role of the European Court of Justice, and all those involved with negotiations, that His plans for this nation, in all their fullness will be established..


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