

by | Feb 24, 2017 | Government

“That they will know that You, whose name alone is the lord, are the only Most High over all the earth”

Psalm 83:18

We thank You for every righteous inheritance within the House of Lords, for the men and women who have stood for Kingdom principles through the years and for the anchor it has been to the nation in past seasons.

We decree and declare in this season of Governmental shift, Godly heritage will be recovered, restored and connected to Your future purpose for the Upper House and Godly design established.

In the Name of Jesus, we release Your ways and Your thoughts to every member of the House, and we decree those chosen and appointed by You will rise to a new level of authority, wisdom and stature, that they will speak and lead according to Your purpose and plans.

In the light of Proverbs 6:2, “you are snared by the words of Your mouth, you are taken by the words of your mouth”, we stand on behalf of the peers and Bishops as fathers in the land, and we repent of every wrong word, thought, deed and covenant that has been made on behalf of our nation , influenced or initiated by those seated within this house. Lord we appeal to Your mercy, that any judgment against us will be reversed as we cry out for your will to be done, and we thank You, that Your mercy triumphs over judgment. James 2:13

In the Name of Jesus, we bless all those who serve within the House of Lords, we decree it will be a House that will cause blessing to come to the nation. We declare a fresh alignment with Your will, that Your plans for this nation will be established.


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