
Even as Phillip Hammond spoke of the “clash of ideas” taking place over the future of capitalism, we recognise Lord, that there is a clash of kingdoms, of ideologies, of world views and systems taking place over our nation.

We thank You for the Godly inheritance in our land, we thank You for every Kingdom foundation within our society, and we thank You for the freedom of choice & speech which have been demonstrated in our society in past seasons.

Now, as Your word states in Romans 13:1 “ Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities”  we decree and declare in this season, over every debate, movement, demonstration, clash and challenge, the rule of law will be desired and respected, supported by those who carry a voice within the land.

As when Moses’ arms were lifted up Your purposes prevailed, in the Name of Jesus, we speak strength to Your people, that Your love, hope and vision will sustain and motivate them. We continue to declare, that this is the day for the Kingdom of God to come in all its fullness, where God’s Presence will dwell, transforming atmospheres, communities, spheres and individual lives.

Exodus 17:12


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