

by | Jul 15, 2018 | Government

It is unusual for me to put out a declaration on a Sunday, and I am aware that there will be many differing views over the current proposed Brexit Bill. However, I felt a strong warning from God, that we need to pray and declare during this weekend, as well as Parliament next week, that God’s purposes are fulfilled.

Ask of me, and I will give You the nations for Your inheritance” Psalm 2: 8

Lord, we thank You for our Godly heritage and declare it will be recovered, restored and connected to Your future purpose for this nation in Jesus Name, and that this nation will step into God given identity.

We acknowledge You as the Alpha and Omega, the One who is sovereign and rules in love and truth over the nations, that Your ways are higher than our ways, and Your thoughts than our thoughts.

We thank You for all those You have positioned for this time, irrespective of party allegiance. We speak Your strength, Your wisdom and Your mantle of authority upon them, that Your voice will be heard, clearly sounding above and beyond every other voice.

We declare this is the day for Your Kingdom to be manifest, not only in outcomes but in heart and process. We declare the Cabinet, Government and Opposition parties, will work shoulder to shoulder, as Kingdom vision rises above party allegiance and personal preference.

We speak alignment with Your will and Your desire over every conversation taking place this weekend within constituency associations, between MPs and over the choices and decisions of those who have recently resigned, that an atmosphere of peace, hope and truth will reign over our land, cancelling every plan of the enemy to bring manipulation, deception or fear, in Jesus Name.


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