As I stated yesterday, I felt a strong warning from God, that we need to be both praying and declaring over Parliament this week. Thank you to all those who are standing in that place at this time. Please do continue to use yesterday’s declaration.
“The Voice of the Lord echoes through the skies and seas. The Glory – God reigns as He thunders in the clouds. So powerful is His voice, so brilliant and bright, how majestic as He thunders over the great waters (sea of humanity)” Psalm 29:3-4 Passion Translation)
We declare God is the King of Kings and the Lord of Glory, that He rules over the nations in love and we praise Him for the power of His word released into our world.
Lord, we declare Your people will stand in the full assurance that Your love, Your word and Your covenant with us will never fail, and in the flow of Your purposes for our nation at this time. We decree a new level of love and commitment to the fabric of the land will be released from Heaven, touching hearts, changing priorities and shifting values.
We thank You for all those You have positioned within our Parliamentary System for this time, irrespective of party allegiance. We speak Your strength, Your wisdom and Your mantle of authority upon them, that Your voice will be heard, clearly sounding above and beyond every other voice. We declare the Cabinet, Government and Opposition parties, will work shoulder to shoulder, as Kingdom vision rises above party allegiance, political agendas and personal preference. We stand in Your grace and we declare a fresh alignment of the words and thoughts of our leaders with Your will, that Your plans for this nation will be established.
Now, in the Name of Jesus we decree, the boundaries, borders and sovereignty of our nation; judicial, legislative, physical, spiritual, political and economic, will be marked out according to our Kingdom destiny and purpose. That which You would disconnect will be disconnected and that which You would connect will be connected.