Government – Northern Ireland

Government – Northern Ireland

by | Mar 1, 2017 | Government

“Good leadership is built on love and truth, for kindness and integrity are what keep leaders in their position of trust”

Proverbs 20:28

We decree and declare over the Northern Ireland Assembly elections, these positions of influence will be filled with those who will speak according to Your plans and purposes, that the voice of Your wisdom, above and beyond man’s wisdom, will be heard in increasing measure.

Lord even as Your gospel is a Gospel of reconciliation, we declare as Your people increasingly walk under the Headship of Jesus, and in the unity that comes through Kingdom purpose, they will lead the way that all communities divided through religion, culture, social status and political opinion will be healed.

We declare even as You call Your people to love their enemies, they will exercise fearless love and a sacrificial lifestyle as they reach across divisions and demonstrate Kingdom reconciliation. We decree destructive past experiences will be replaced by new positive ones, respect will replace hatred and love replace fear.

Please continue to declare: In the Name of Jesus, we declare the scope of the Bill to trigger Article 50, including every clause and sub-clause, will be legislated in accordance with Heaven, and we decree any aspect of the Bill or any attempted amendments that would harm Your plans for the UK will be turned around for good. We decree and declare the passage of this Bill through the House of Lords will be according to Your appointed time, unhindered by the plans of man or of the enemy.


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