We thank you for Your work of salvation, grace and mercy in this nation and for the freedoms that have been part of our culture for generations.
Lord, we declare You are the Highest authority in Heaven and earth, You call Your people to preach the gospel, heal the sick and to set the captives free; You commissioned Your people to disciple nations. In Jesus Name, we decree in the days ahead, every law and every court exercising jurisdiction, will be in agreement with Your word, that this legacy will be left for the next generation.
We come into agreement with Your word in Isaiah 54:14 concerning Zion (The church): “In righteousness you will be established. Tyranny (the enforcing of a culture, moral or religious view on others) will be far from you … you will have nothing to fear”
Now in the Name of Jesus, we declare over our streets, our schools and universities, over media and over every situation at risk at this time, the people of our land will have freedom of choice – to believe, as well as not to believe, and the freedom to manifest that belief in day to day living.
We call Your people to increasingly stand in their identity as Your Ecclesia and we release Your strength, favour and wisdom to them In Jesus Name