
Lord, we declare over every situation and circumstance, the truth of Romans 5:3 ‘ hope in God will never put us to shame.’ We declare You are the King of Kings and the Lord of Glory, yet You came as a man, spoke Good News, healed the broken-hearted and set the captives free. So Lord, in the Name of Jesus, we release Your love, Your strength and Your hope over our nation, and we declare You are building a people, who will stand in faith, hope and love, strong against every scheme of the enemy.

We thank You for the dual anointing You have given this land in past seasons, to both preach the gospel and to influence cultures across nations, modelling freedom, democracy and Godly governance.  We declare in these days of shaking, under Your law, our democracy – the government of the people, for the people, by the people, will release peace, health, welfare, security and prosperity for all social, ethnic, cultural and regional groups within society.

According to Your word, “righteousness exalts a nation,” so we speak righteousness into every aspect of Government, national and local, into the establishments and the structures that are so part of our land. We decree honour, righteousness & integrity, will increase and a new level of Godly statesmanship arise, transforming personal and political agendas, that men and women across all parties will work for the common good, uniting behind God given vision and priorities.  Proverbs 24:3-6

Now Lord, we declare Your wisdom and Your timing over every aspect of the elections due to take place in May, that Your purpose will rule and reign over every decision made.

 Suzanne Ferrett.


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