As a new President is inaugurated – Lord, we thank You for every aspect of Godly inheritance that You have put within the United States of America. We thank You for the Bible based foundations of justice and liberty in the land, for the humanitarian aid that has been sent out and the desire to protect vulnerable peoples around the world; we thank You for the missionaries and the missionary societies that have taken the Good News of Jesus to many nations.
We declare over this new administration, alignment with Your Kingdom purposes and plans, and we declare life to every Godly seed sown into the foundations of the nation – remembering specifically the words of Robert Hunt, his covenantal declaration, and his desire, that the UK and the US will take the gospel of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom to the world.
We declare “it is time for a historic spiritual awakening within Great Britain and America that will lead to a great harvest of souls”. (The Call – Lou Engle) We declare this is the time for a Turning of every ungodly law and precedent set, for Revival to be released, lives healed and for the Kingdom of God to come in all its fullness.
We lift up the arms of those who are praying at this time, we speak peace, strength, hope and joy to them in the Name of Jesus. We speak peace to the people, we bind all fear and division, and we decree and declare the nation will unite behind Your Kingdom purposes, in the Jesus Name.
Suzanne Ferrett