“The government will be upon His Shoulder….. of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end”
Isaiah 9:6
We decree and declare there will be an increase of Kingdom purpose (wellbeing, health, safety and prosperity) and Kingdom values within all government departments.
We decree and declare in our nation Your heart for justice, protection and blessing for those in true need, homeless, widowed or orphaned by world events will be expressed and experienced, irrespective of ethnicity, religion, or background. (Deuteronomy 27:19; Matthew 25:33)
We trust in Your understanding of every issue of resource and protection involved, and we come into agreement with Your word in Daniel 2:20, that “wisdom and power belong to You” and we praise you for Your Sovereign wisdom which is available to man. Deuteronomy 32:8
In the Name of Jesus, we declare all those involved with setting immigration policy within the Home Office and EU will align with Your wisdom and we speak revelation to all those working on solutions, whether from government or charitable bodies, both here and abroad.