Even as Psalm 24 states, ‘The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it’; we declare the call on Ireland (N & S) to display the fullness of God’s beauty throughout the earth; that friendship with Him will cause His Heart and His intentions to be revealed to the nations.
We declare the joy of salvation will resonate across this land, signs, wonders, miracles and encounters released, as Ireland walks in her God given identity, and the nations come to her shores – experiencing again the wonder and beauty of God. We call forth the roots that held scriptures safe in past ages to again bear the fruit that reveals the mystery, majesty, word and ways of God, releasing His life into the UK, Europe and to the ends of the earth. We speak life into every God given gift sown into this island, in Jesus Name.
We thank you for the joy of music embedded into the fabric and DNA of the peoples. We bless the warriors of God and the lovers of God to once again lead God’s people through song and dance, that the sound of their instruments will bring joy to the nations and the unique gift of dance bring freedom to the land.
Now Lord, concerning N. Ireland, we repent concerning every place where the desire for control or domination whether through politics or religion has shut down the simplicity, purity and life of the gospel, dividing the people and the church. We speak healing and reconciliation in the Name of Jesus. We declare N. Ireland will move into a fresh place of forgiveness that the pain, grief and woundedness of past seasons will be healed in a fresh outpouring of the love of God.
We decree the heart of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the foundational truths of the gospel and the message of the gospel will be released with great power, creativity and freedom, unhindered by the thoughts and ways of man.
We bless all the peoples of Ireland, North and South, to walk in the fullness of Gods call upon their lives.
Now Lord, we ask that Your wisdom will rest upon every negotiation and discussion concerning the movement of goods across the borders caused by Brexit, that every hindrance and blockage is removed, in Jesus name.