“Surely I will take the children of Israel from among the nations, wherever they have gone, and will gather them from every side and bring them into their own land” Ezekiel 37: 21
On this anniversary of the founding of the State of Israel we speak Your blessing to the nation and to all the Jewish people around the world, that every purpose held in Heaven for this land will be fulfilled
We come into agreement with Your word in Psalm 122:6; ‘pray and seek the peace of Jerusalem, may they prosper who love you’ , and we speak Your blessing, safety and prosperity to this city and all those who dwell there, irrespective of ethnicity or religion, that people of all backgrounds will live in peace with one another. As Your Spirit moves across the nations, we cry out for the love and revelation of Jesus Christ to touch Israel and all the surrounding territories. We call forth Jesus centred conversations, we call forth prophetic encounters, we call forth dreams and visions in the Name of Jesus.
We speak to the media and we speak to Governments, we decree the history of the heritage of the land, the timeline of religions and the truths of recent events, will be published, taught and commemorated with accuracy and sensitivity.
Now, we speak Your wisdom and discernment to Benjamin Netanyahu and to all Governments at this time concerning this region, that Treaties, agreements and decisions will be made in accordance with Your will and the people dwell in safety.