As the jurisdiction of the European Convention for Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights over the UK becomes a focus again: (N.B. NOT part of the EU but of the Council of Europe)
We declare:
The Lord works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed” Psalm 103:6
We praise You for the Godly foundations within our Parliament and Judiciary, established through the work of individuals and through the heritage of prayer and the vows made by the Queen and Parliament.
We also thank You for the desire to protect people and to give them freedom, which lies at the heart of our Human Rights laws and we thank You that men desire to do good for people.
We declare according to the Word, God is the Highest Authority in Heaven and Earth, He works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed and “His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts than our thoughts “, Psalm 103:6
We honour You as the Highest Authority in heaven and earth, and the true Judge. Lord, we appeal to You on behalf of our land, over every law and administration of laws in this nation, and we cry out for a new season of alignment with Your principles relating to the lives, rights and freedoms of individuals.
We decree and declare every Commission, Council, Charter, Bill, Declaration, Treaty, and Law relating to the freedoms and rights of individuals and made according to the thoughts of man including the potential UK Bill of Rights currently being considered, will come into God given order, recognising and submitting to the Higher Authority of the King of Kings and the Ancient of Days. We decree and declare a shift in the Name of Jesus.
Suzanne Ferrett.