“For I was hungry and You gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in” Matthew 25:35
Now, according to God’s word, we declare His heart for mercy, justice, protection and blessing for those in true need, homeless, widowed or orphaned by world events will be established and experienced in this nation, irrespective of ethnicity, religion, or background.
We call every people group within our towns and cities into agreement with Your word that “the stranger living among you must be treated as one of your native born” and we speak Godly wisdom into Government agencies, local and national, community groups and religious organisations seeking to bring respect.
We trust in His understanding of every issue of protection and resource required and we come into agreement with His word in Daniel 2:20, that “wisdom and power belong to Him” and we praise Him that His Sovereign wisdom is available to man.
According to Acts 17:26 ‘he determined the times….and exact places where they should live.’ In the Name of Jesus, we declare the boundaries and borders of this nation will be set, for every individual, short term and long term, according to God’s perfect plan.
We decree and declare as His watchman, spiritual and natural, take their places, every strategy of the enemy to infiltrate, use or abuse this nation will be prevented, in the Name of Jesus.
Suzanne Ferrett.