“know also that wisdom is like honey for you. If you find it, there is a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off” Proverbs 24: 13, 14
We come into agreement with Psalm 147: 3, “He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds.’ We declare the revelation of the power of the love of Jesus to this nation, that through His goodness and His kindness those left wounded by previous events and those struggling with current pressures will be healed.
We declare over God’s people, ‘God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.’ We declare, as we enter His Presence, to praise and to worship we His people will be so connected to His heart and His Spirit, His words will be our words, His heartbeat our heartbeat, and that we will step into the fullness of the wisdom available to us, releasing His peace, mercy and hope to overwhelm all hopelessness, death and despair; that through the fullness of His Spirit, inner healing and supernatural healing will increase across our land. 2 Timothy 1:7
In the Name of Jesus, we speak peace and health to those of all age groups struggling with mental health issues, that in these days support and care will be maintained, programmes funded and recovery found. We speak healing to those damaged through childhood experiences, trauma or abuse, through addictions or through abandonment, we speak wholeness and healing to those struggling with grief, loss, anxiety or stress. We especially declare peace and wholeness to those involved on the frontline of the NHS.
Lord, we thank You for every initiative of social action that has been put in place in the last season in-line with Your Kingdom principles and for those God-given creative ideas that are being released from heaven in this time, and we decree new partnerships are being formed between individuals, families, communities, and local & national government, to build a righteous, healed and healthy society.
Now, we stand as God’s people in this land, and we declare God desires all people will be whole in body, soul and spirit. So, in the Name of Jesus, we declare a new season of health will come upon this land.
Suzanne Ferrett