Queen Elizabeth ll

Queen Elizabeth ll

by | Apr 5, 2020 | Leadership

Even as “when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet Him, and cried out ‘Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord,” we welcome Jesus into our nation, into our families, our churches, our streets and our communities.’  John 12: 12-14

We declare that God is Lord of both the Heavens and the Earth, He is righteous, just and merciful, nothing is impossible to Him, He is the Sovereign Living God, all life comes from Him; the Name of Jesus is Higher than any other Name, yet He came as a man, spoke Good News, healed the broken-hearted and set the captives free.

So, we say to our nation “Behold Your God”

Now Father, we thank you for the life of our Queen, Elizabeth II, we  celebrate the wisdom that she carries, her heart for You, for her people and for the grace and commitment with which she carries out her duties.

You bless us that we might bless others and so in the Name of Jesus, we speak blessing over the Queen’s life. We speak health, strength and long life to her and that she would be surrounded with honour as with a shield.

As the Queen addresses the nation tonight, we pray for her, that her words will be Your words and her message Your message – that she will release hope and healing to the people of our land. We bless her with liberty, that she will be free to testify of Jesus, the Source of her hope, and of the gospel to which she so strongly adheres, and we bless her with great wisdom and discernment, that her message will touch hearts of every generation, religion and culture.

Even as we pray for the Queen, we pray for Prince Philip, for Prince Charles and for other members of the Royal Family, and we agree as God’s people pray, we are making a way for her Godly legacy to go forward to the generations which will follow.

Suzanne Ferrett.


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