Moving Forward

Moving Forward

by | May 18, 2020 | Transformation

‘Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end’   Isaiah 9:6,7

We speak health instead of sickness, life instead of death, prosperity against all lack in matters concerning finance and the economy, and that in these days of shaking, many will turn to Jesus. We declare as lockdown eases and transition begins, a spirit of peace (prosperity, safety and well-being) will rest upon the cities, towns and streets of this nation.

We speak the revelation of the triumph of God’s mercy over every individual, ministry, businessman or market place leader struggling at this time and we declare His people will arise and take hold of the grace and strength He is releasing from Heaven at this time.

We decree and declare that His mercy and His grace will overwhelm every self-judgment, the judgment of others, every feeling of failure, despair, disillusionment or loss, that fresh joy, fresh strength and fresh life would come to them, positioning them for the way ahead.

We call them into His Presence, to seek His face, that fresh vision will come, that every shift, door and step He would release to them for this time, will be both recognised and fulfilled.

We speak to the church in the Name of Jesus, we declare “This is the Season of Revival,” and we call His people into a revelation of the shift of season which has taken place.  We thank Him for the equipping of His church, and the work of His Spirit worked in individuals through this lockdown time, and we decree and declare, in this day a fresh urgency will come to His people, that every gift He has given – both in the natural and in the spiritual – will be recognised and utilised, and we speak courage and boldness in Jesus Name.

We continue to declare in this nation, leaders from all political parties, all Government ministers, civil servants, scientists, researchers, economists and all advisors will work as a team with humility and mutual respect. We specifically declare the voice of God’s wisdom will be heard over every other voice concerning the current situation, that His strategies and solutions will be recognised and implemented, as they rightly discern beyond the power of men’s words to the wisdom that comes from Heaven.

Suzanne Ferrett.


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