We declare as lockdown eases and transition begins a spirit of peace (prosperity, safety and well-being) will rest upon the cities, towns and streets of the nation. We speak health instead of sickness, life instead of death, prosperity against all lack in matters concerning finance and the economy, and that in these days of shaking, many will turn to Jesus.
We declare across this nation God’s people will have a fresh revelation of His call on their lives to be Light in dark places and of the power of His Spirit within them and we come into agreement with Matthew 5:9 (AMP), ‘blessed are….the makers and maintainers of peace, they shall be called the sons of God’. We declare in these days, the power of the love of Jesus will be fully released upon our streets and into our communities, transforming, overwhelming, and spreading throughout the United Kingdom.
We declare righteousness and peace will increase upon our streets, overwhelming every spirit of fear, frustration or of violence. We stand as the Ecclesia and we decree the rule of law will be desired, respected and supported by all those who carry a voice within this land, that any strategy of the enemy to bring disorder and lawlessness will be over-ruled. We decree and declare streets will be safe, communities secure and the lives of individuals unhindered by fear or violence and specifically over all violent crime we speak a turning in the Name of Jesus.
To families and relationships struggling at this time we speak peace and we continue to declare children are a gift from God, so in the Name of Jesus, we agree children will be safe and secure, loved, enjoyed, and protected, that everything He has put within them, of fun, of laughter, of imagination and gift will be released and encouraged.
We continue to declare in this nation, leaders from all political parties, all Government ministers, civil servants, scientists, researchers, economists and all advisors will work as a team with humility and mutual respect and we specifically speak strength to Boris Johnson.
We declare the voice of God’s wisdom will be heard over every other voice concerning all the current decisions, that His strategies and solutions will be recognised and implemented, rightly dividing between the health and safety of individuals and the economy of the nation.
Suzanne Ferrett