Hello everyone, we are making a few changes and wanted to keep you up to date.
Firstly, a reminder that Suzanne will be speaking at the Lenchwood Christian Centre in Evesham this Saturday (25th November 2017) morning. This will be a seminar looking at the question;
If this is a – How do we Pray for Government?
For more information please email us on:
Secondly, over the next few weeks we will be introducing some new aspects to our ministry including using social media, so please keep watching our news updates
Lastly, the first addition will be a blog to our website, so that we can post thoughts, teachings and information.
This is a very significant time for our nation, both in challenge and opportunity, and over the last months, we have been teaching on the Kingdom of God using the scriptures in a traditional way, but I thought some of you might enjoy the following:
So, here is the beginning of our first post: It’s all in the Numbers… we usually teach on the Kingdom of God by unpacking its characteristics using traditional Bible Study methods. Jesus though, often spoke in parables, so that those listening had to search out the meaning, Matthew 13:34, 35. Take a look at the Passion Insight –It’s All in the Numbers.