December News

December News

by | Dec 17, 2018

Hi everyone, a short note to keep in touch and to wish you a Really Happy Christmas. It has been a busy time, stressful for many, but now is an opportunity to put  our eyes back upon Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. To celebrate and to rejoice in Him.

A few notes:

  1. Request: –   I have had a request from a friend who is looking for a prayer group near Cheltenham which she can join. Can you email us please on if you are in that area?
  1. Pray, Pray and Pray some more.

God continues to speak to me about the power of the new movement of His Spirit which He is releasing from Heaven. It truly is a revival season, a season of mercy and grace which flows into the lives of all those who turn to Him. It is a day for the Kingdom of God to be released into our land with all His priorities and values. It is also a season of incredible challenge.

Three years ago, God spoke to me about the “Clash of Empires” and the “Clash of Sounds.” Phrases which were part of a very concise and clear word about what would take place and which started me on the whole journey of declaring over the land. Declarations put the Word of God into the atmosphere, they establish God’s purposes within the atmosphere and are also a way of saying, “this is what I choose” – “ I am setting my face towards seeing this come about.”

There is a move of His Spirit which has the capacity to transform our nation waiting for His people to walk in, but there is also a powerful battle taking place over our Government right now. I believe this is a time to pray, to pray and then to pray some more. I am aware though that many find praying about national matters difficult, so I would like to encourage you over Christmas to think about whether now is the time to form a new prayer partnership, triplet or group for this season, as we join together to birth God’s Kingdom purposes in our land.

If you would like to be part of one of our groups, we use a  Conference call system which you can join online, or simply by telephone. Come for a few weeks and be encouraged. For more information,  please email us on:

  1.   We are really excited to be joining with Liberation Ministries for four Worship and Declaration nights over London, under the name “London on the Brink.” The first one will be in Wembley, on Friday 11th January and a leaflet will follow soon with more information.
  2.   Other dates for your diary: we will be in Princes Risborough again January 19th and St Albans on February 2nd.

Lord, we thank You for every promise You have given for revival and awakening in our land.

In the Name of Jesus, we declare Your people will have a fresh revelation of the power of prayer, that Your will be done on the earth. We put down our own agendas, we put down our own preferences and our own understanding, and we declare Lord, this is a day to listen to Your Spirit and we call people into Your Presence to hear Your Voice and know Your ways. We declare a fresh revelation of Your love, peace and joy will come upon Your people, refreshing, strengthening and releasing – that Your people will move from that place of preparation to mobilisation, in Jesus Name.

Book Suzanne

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