We declare that God is good over our nation: the land and the peoples. We decree His abundant mercy, goodness and love over our nation today. For all in this nation; whether young, old, healthy or sick, working on the frontlines or at home we declare He is good and that His mercy and love endures forever.
We declare the light of life that is Jesus Christ is now penetrating all darkness. Health will replace sickness, life will overcome death and prosperity replace lack; and that in these days of turmoil, there will be an unprecedented harvest of souls for Jesus Christ.
Please Consider Joining us This Friday 27th March 2020 – Facebook Live
‘Decrees over the Nation’ with Suzanne Ferrett of Passion for the Nation.
MIDDAY on Facebook Live – https://www.facebook.com/pftnuk/?modal=admin_todo_tour to pray and declare over the land.
REMINDER Raising a Canopy of 24/7 Prayer and Worship over the Nation
Thank you to all those who have signed up to our 24/7 Prayer Shield. We are believing that as God’s people pray, we will see a mighty turnaround of this virus. We have already seen a great response but there is still some room, especially over the weekends, so please can we encourage you to take an hour slot, or add your prayer group time to the list – the online calendar can be found on https://passionforthenation.uk/raising-a-mantle-of-prayer-over-the-nation/ .
We are asking people to initially sign up for the same slot for each week, and we will go through initially until Easter Sunday, (Passover is the 8-14th April) and then possibly beyond.
Suzanne Ferrett.