Hi everyone, it’s been an eventful few months, so do take time to enjoy the summer season and the sunshine!
A quick update on a few things:
- If you know anyone in South Africa, or with a heart for South Africa, we have started a Passion for the Nation – South Africa Facebook page, and will be sending out Declarations about once a week. Please do take a look and consider sharing it with others.
- We will be using our own Facebook group again soon for live teaching and declaration. If you would prefer to use Facebook for receiving our regular declarations, they are all posted on there at the same time as they are released by email. Click on the link to ask to join.
- As usual, we will be sending out less declarations throughout the month of August.
A couple of dates for your diary:
September 1st : A Seminar in Clapham, in the centre of Wilberforce Territory: The Nation’s Future – A Kingdom Opportunity. It is free to come, but please do let us know if you are able to be there. More information and Booking is available at Eventbrite, we will be releasing a flier soon.
September 29th: Coventry. “As One”, an event with Call the Nation to Prayer : Please look at the website: www.ctntp.uk