As we come to the beginning of this Platinum Jubilee week, please do read again the post we put out on the 20th May (Click Here) which briefly unpacked the Biblical significance of the number 70. This was in terms of the fullness of time, release from captivity and the restoration of the promise for a nation. We looked at it in terms of the Royal family, the Church and God’s call for the United Kingdom all of which we must continue to focus on.
But, as we have prayed this last week, I have also felt the weight of the Holy Spirit to press into Him, individually and corporately for what He wants to release at Pentecost. These years from 2020 – 2022 are so significant, and God is looking to pour out His Holy Spirit in great measure, moving those of His people who are read into position in miraculous ways. As one of our prayer warriors puts it: As we salute & celebrate the Queen’ s 70Year Reign over Great Britain. We the Saints celebrate her strong faith & Kingdom& Family values. Mark 16:15-20. He said “Go into all the world & preach the gospel to every creature…..& they went out & preached everywhere including these Precious Isles of Great Britain.. the Lord working with them & confirming the Word through the accompanying signs. B. Campbell.
This is a time to activate what God is doing in your life, so this week we will not be posting declarations – however there are two opportunities to join us to pray.
Firstly: Tuesday morning from 7.30 – 8.30am, we will be meeting on zoom, principally praying in tongues for those purposes of God for this Pentecost to be experienced by His people. Please email, to be included.
Secondly, I will be back on our Passion for the Nation Facebook Page, live at 5.30pm this Wednesday, 1st June.
Be very blessed – rest, enjoy but above all pray!