Hi everyone, thank you so much for continuing to pray for our nation at this time, I am really excited by some of the things I see happening around me. God is birthing something which will not just change the political and governmental landscape, but it is a spiritual shift which is taking place across the church. As the Body of Christ takes hold of all God is saying, from personal holiness to looking beyond our walls to the communities around us, we are going to see the revival birthed that so many have spoken of, and transformation come to our land
June 21st The Four Winds of Worship – Rev Betty King Ministries. Chiswick Christian Centre, starting at 6.30pm This event is part of an ongoing focus on London which was previously postponed. For more information go to Betty King Ministries Facebook page
July 5th NEWS with Liberation Ministries in Camberwell. Details on our website.
Other events:
July 4th Clapham – PFTN teaching 7.00 pm
July 10th Winchester – for 18-30 year olds.
Please contact us for more information – info@pftn.co.uk
Also, Please would you pray for those who are organising prayer walks along the London Loop over Friday 21st, Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd June. The suggested prayer focus areas this year are praying about gun and knife crime, for the well of salvation to be opened and for God’s glory in London. People will be prayer walking from London and other parts of the UK with opportunities to meet in the centre of London to pray together for London over the weekend. For more information email Lisa on lisa.hutt@neighbourhoodprayer.net