Opportunities to Pray

Opportunities to Pray

by | May 8, 2017

In view of the fast-moving events around us, we are really pleased to offer several opportunities to pray:

Firstly, for those in the South East, we will have an Evening of Prayer and Declaration on Tuesday May 30th at the Wembley Christian Centre starting at 7.30pm. Address – Carlton Ave East, Wembley HA9 8LX

Secondly, we will be starting some online prayer meetings, accessible either via the internet or by phone. If you would be interested please email us at info@pftn.uk. Initially as we get used to the environment we will limit the groups to 20, although we hope to expand this number quickly.

Please do consider joining us. We plan to begin these on Wednesday 10th May @ 7.30am and each Wednesday for the duration of election season.

Book Suzanne

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