The Issue of Dominion – a Kingdom Reset 2.3
When the Queen of Sheba visited King Solomon,1 Kings 10:10 records, ‘ blessed be the Lord your God, who delighted in you, setting you on the throne of Israel! Because the Lord has loved Israel forever, therefore He made you king, to do justice and righteousness. Then she gave the king one hundred and twenty talents of gold, spices in great quantity, and precious stones.’
As we return to this theme of a kingdom reset, and against a background of gloomy economic forecasts – we need to know and understand this era of kingdom government, carries with it a promise of provision. Provision for ourselves, if we are walking according to His promises and His principles; provision for the projects that God has birthed, and provision to become extravagant givers.
We declare God gives the power to make wealth, so in the Name of Jesus, we decree and declare the ability to both create and steward wealth wisely will rest upon God’s people. Exodus 36:2
Even as we repent of past greed, the idolatry of wealth and of heeding man’s wisdom, we cry out Lord, for Your mercy and Your grace.
We come into agreement with 2 Corinthians 9: 6, ‘for he who sows sparingly shall also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully…for God loves a cheerful giver.’ And we thank You for every promise of provision within Your Word. We declare in this nation, that desire to please the Father, and a fresh understanding of the truths within Your Word, will bring a release of abundance in the season ahead.
We decree and declare in this day God is raising His people across this nation, those called and prepared for the business world, those who will work for His Glory, raise finance for His Kingdom and steward that wealth with wisdom and discernment. We declare God is releasing the mature men and women, those trained by the Spirit of God in the last season, and He is raising men and women who are called and anointed, but as yet untested and untried, and we agree that as God’s people pray, connections will be made and mentorships started. We confess where those in the marketplace have felt irrelevant or insignificant within His Body, and now we decree a re-set, that the prayers of His people will both support and surround them.
Now Lord, even as You gave revelatory wisdom to Joseph, we speak the release of Your strategic economic planners across our land, that those You have called to manage the financial affairs of a nation, will be positioned and appointed, that from corporations to Government ,local and national, righteousness will arise.
Suzanne Ferrett