Transformation – Local Elections 2

Transformation – Local Elections 2

by | May 4, 2022 | Uncategorized

As many vote today, according to Your word in Psalm 75:7 “It is God alone …. who decides who will rise and who will fall”, we come to You and speak Your favour onto all those You will raise up at this time, that these positions of influence and gateways of our society will be filled with those who see and speak according to Your plans and purposes and we declare following these elections, the voice of Your wisdom will be heard in increasing measure, above and beyond man’s wisdom.

We thank You Lord for those who have served this nation in many capacities across the years, but now we declare this is a new day. Lord, You positioned leaders of ten, leaders of hundreds and leaders of thousands and You prepared and anointed leaders before their time of service, so in the Name of Jesus, we call forth across this nation, the leaders You have appointed for this season. We declare across this land, irrespective of geographic positioning, Godly stewardship and good governance will increase, that services be managed with wisdom and resources distributed according to His purpose and priority.

We decree honour, righteousness & integrity, will increase and a new level of Godly statesmanship arise, transforming personal and political agendas, that men and women across all parties will work for the common good, uniting behind God given vision and priorities.  

Suzanne Ferrett


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