The Royal Family

The Royal Family

by | Dec 4, 2022 | Monarchy

We have watched in recent months, the journey of our Royal Family, as they walk through the Loss of Queen Elizabeth 2nd; the transition of Prince Charles to King Charles, the new ‘team’ including Prince and Princess of Wales, and the Duke and Duchess of Wessex as well as the interaction with Prince Harry and Meghan.

As we pray for the monarchy of our nation, it’s helpful to remember the separation, emphasised in the Netflix series, – between ‘the Crown’ itself, and the person carrying it, or associated with it.  The Crown has been one of the pillars of this nation for centuries, the individuals concerned have limited lives!

God is raising His church to its true identity, to be The Bride of Christ – the Royal Priesthood, the spiritual and true Government and Monarchy on the earth, but we are nevertheless instructed to pray for ‘kings and all those in authority over us.’

This is a key time for this significant family. Even as God is shaking, God’s purpose is to see it come into to righteousness, but the enemy would like to see the shaking bring destruction.

‘But you shall be named the priests of the Lord, they shall call you the servants of our God.’  Isaiah 61: 6


Declaration 5th December 2022

As the reign of King Charles becomes established, we continue to speak God’s wisdom, strength, comfort and blessing to him and upon all members of the Royal Family.  We come into agreement with Deuteronomy 7:9 ‘He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments’, and we declare the Godly legacy of the Queen Elizabeth 2nd  will go forward to the generations which follow. In the Name of Jesus, we speak life to every seed of the gospel deposited within this family. We decree in this nation, royal role models of righteousness will be established and we cry out for divine encounters with the glory of God within the royal households. We release godly dreams, visions and prophetic words into the heart of the royal lines.

Now Lord, as we stand in the gap for the Monarchy at this time – we repent over the divisions, the heartache, the pain and the grief which have been part of this institution’s legacy; and over the historical actions and ungodly connections which have influenced and informed our Crown. We repent where Kings and Queens have used the crown for their own expediency and desire for power. 

 We also repent where the church has not always prayed according to God’s will, failing to understand the weight, strength and stability this pillar has given to our land – and its role to uphold the gospel.

Now Lord, we pray for King Charles, that he will be strong and ready to step into the footsteps of his mother, fulfilling the mandate of this land – to protect and defend the church and message of Jesus Christ. In the Name of Jesus, we speak blessing and honour over his life, and we decree and declare, he will be surrounded by those who will speak God’s wisdom into every decision. 

We come into agreement with the Coronation Act of 1688, establishing the Coronation Oath, taken by the Kings and Queens of this land, that they will, ‘

to the utmost of their power, maintain the Laws of God and the true profession of the Gospel.…’ and, with the oath made on the occasion of her coronation by Queen Elizabeth 2nd in taking the title, ‘defender of the faith’. We cry out that this title will be ongoing, in promise and in action, that the message and intent of what these vows contain, will be central to the Coronation service next year. 

We declare over every shift that will take place – from the Palace to the Commonwealth, alignment with God’s will, and His plan; that His mercy and grace will overwhelm any plan of the enemy to shift the monarchy or society away from His destiny.

We stand as the Ecclesia in this land, decree and declare, an increased rising up across society of those who will stand for Godly principles, purpose and for the good of the people , and we speak favour, divine revelatory wisdom and boldness to them in the Name of Jesus,

Suzanne Ferrett

Passion for the Nation



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