

by | Feb 3, 2017 | Transformation

“we need clear thinking about what is going on in society and clear moral leadership…”

Lord Herman Ouseley (BBC December 2016)

“When Gentiles who do not know the law, do by nature things required by the law, …they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts” Romans 2: 14-16

Lord we thank You, that You have written Your laws in the hearts of men and women, irrespective of their knowledge of You, that Your law is for good and not for evil, to be a framework for life to bring hope and peace to all. (health, wellbeing, peace, safety)

In the Name of Jesus, in this reformation year, we decree and declare those laws, in agreement with Your written word, will be recognised, respected and voiced, reforming the foundation of culture in this nation.

Where Your truth has been hidden or suppressed, we call it forth now in the Name of Jesus, that individuals will be set free, families healed and laws changed, as the moral truth You have put within us is restored by Your Spirit.  Romans 1:18


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