“Thank God in everything, no matter what the circumstances may be, be thankful and give thanks. For this is the will of God for you who are in Christ Jesus,”
1 Thessalonians 5:18
We decree and declare that in our day, in this nation, an atmosphere of thankfulness will be a characteristic of our culture, led and released by Your people, shifting atmospheres, shifting lives and transforming families.
Lord we praise you for every new thing which You are doing and in this season of the impossible becoming possible, we declare in the United Kingdom the rising generations will be motivated by passion and purpose to see right and Godly transformation, that they will move with Kingdom goals, releasing a counter-culture of thankfulness, service and perseverance.
Take time this morning to specifically thank God, for personal circumstances, successes and joys, but also for those things within our nation that we can so easily take for granted.
NB: Please do remember the following two dates in September and plan to join us if you can:
September 1st : A Seminar in Clapham, in the centre of Wilberforce Territory: The Nation’s Future – A Kingdom Opportunity. It is free to come, but please do let us know if you are able to be there. More information and Booking is available at Eventbrite.
September 29th: Coventry. “As One”, an event with Call the Nation to Prayer : Please look at the website: www.ctntp.uk