‘Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.’ Hebrews 12: 1 – 2
We declare in this day, according to Psalm 2: 8, ‘ask of Me and I will give you nations for Your inheritance’.
Lord, we declare in this day You are raising a people who are ready to possess their inheritance, who stand secure in their walk with You, knowing they are the apple of Your eye, and that they have the mind of Christ. We declare the sons of God are being revealed who will hear the Word of the Lord and act, taking great responsibility for the words of their mouth as authority is increased. We declare greater revelation and opportunity is being released and we call forth the mature sons of God to walk in unity with strength, boldness and courage, building a shield around each other as honour becomes the lifestyle by which Your people live.
According to Your word in Proverbs 14: 34, we declare righteousness exalts a nation, so we speak righteousness into every aspect of Government, national and local; we declare honesty and integrity, in word and action, will become the hallmarks of financial institutions, businesses and society.
In the light of Proverbs 6:2, “you are snared by the words of your mouth, you are taken by the words of Your mouth” In the Name of Jesus, we decree and declare those who serve this nation will be characterised by their trustworthiness, and single-mindedness of purpose, that their words will build and not destroy, repair and not break down. Isaiah 58:12
We declare the unity of those appointed by You to lead this nation will silence any agenda of man or the enemy to distract, disturb or destroy.
Now Lord following all comments made concerning the Government’s handling of the Pandemic; Your word says, ‘he who refuses correction goes astray’ – we speak light into every dark place, and we declare lessons will be learned, changes made and wisdom released in Jesus Name.
Suzanne Ferrett