Transformation – Workplace 25th February 2012
‘ I will pour out My Spirit upon all people. Your Sons and Daughters will prophecy. Your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions. In these days I will pour out My Spirit even on servants – men and women alike.’ Joel 2: 28 NLT
Lord, we thank You for every promise of Revival You have given to our land, we thank You for the salvations and we thank You for the encounters already taking place. We declare this will be a revival marked out by its inclusivity of every generation, of men & of women, – a revival which will impact the secular as well as the sacred.
We declare according to God’s word, we are the children of God, made according to His image. We thank Him for the workplaces He has assigned so many to; the companies, offices, industries, schools and hospitals up and down the United Kingdom, as well as for the many called as homemakers. We declare His Name will be glorified as we His people increasingly reflect His image, the image of the Creator of the Heavens and the earth across every workplace arena. (Gen 1:26)
We thank Him that according to Psalm 139:17-18 ‘His thoughts towards us are more numerous than the grains of sand’ and we thank Him for the promise of James 1:5 ‘If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives generously and without finding fault’, so in the Name of Jesus we declare, as God’s people ask of Him, His wisdom will be released from Heaven, that from product launches to interaction between clients and colleagues, solutions will be given to every business challenge.
We declare real depth of our interactions in the workplace arena will replace those of superficial mutual convenience, that in these days a greater revelation of God’s purposes will cause His people to align with His plans, and great transformation come to our nation via the workplace.
We decree and declare in the United Kingdom, God’s people will be mobilized in every office, industry and company, and His Kingdom purposes established. Amen. (Micah 5:1)
The PFTN Team.