
According to God’s word, in Psalm 89:14 “mercy and truth go before Your face”, so in the Name of Jesus, we decree and declare truthfulness, accuracy and clarity will be heard in all government, political and media statements at this time, cancelling every plan of the enemy to bring manipulation, deception or confusion; that truth will be valued in this nation and be both the expectation and the experience of our society.

We come into agreement with the foundation of truth inscribed upon the walls of Broadcasting House, “whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are lovely…meditate on these things”, and we speak a shift, that as God’s Spirit moves upon our land, media will become a tool in His hand for Godly transformation.

We declare the voice of the Church will be restored and renewed, that doors will be opened even in media, and the message of Jesus in all its fullness released.

We stand as the Ecclesia and we decree “truth will again spring up from our land and righteousness will reign down from heaven” Psalm 85:11

Now, concerning the Supreme Court Judgment, we decree God’s righteousness and His justice will rule and reign over every judgment given, that His mercy and His grace will cause this nation to align with His values, His purposes and His destiny at this time.


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