“the Kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ” Revelation 11:15
We acknowledge God is the Alpha and Omega, who rules over the nations in love, wisdom and truth, He is the Potter and we put our trust in Him.
God is establishing His Kingdom to overwhelm and overcome every other Kingdom, He is setting things in order, setting up His governmental rule on the earth.
In the Name of Jesus, we declare Your people will have a fresh revelation of the power of prayer, that Your will be done according to Heaven. We put down our own agendas, we put down our own preferences and our own understanding, and we declare this is a day to listen to Your Spirit, to hear Your Voice and to know Your way.
We declare as Your people unite under the Headship of Jesus, His Kingdom will be built within our land and His sovereign purpose fulfilled. In the Name of Jesus, we declare Your people will grasp the urgency and the opportunity of the hour, coming into agreement with Your word, “to seek first the Kingdom of God” both in prayer and in lifestyle.
Now, we come into agreement with Your word in Proverbs 4:7 “wisdom is the principle thing, therefore get wisdom”. As Theresa May travels to Europe, we declare Your mantle of wisdom, authority and stature will be upon her, that she will be wise in decision making, discerning Your will and Your purpose in all decisions and negotiations. We decree Heavens design and schedule over every discussion, that every log-jam, every deadlock and every delay caused by man or the enemy will be released, and we speak a convergence and completion, that the outworking of every decision made will align and connect the United Kingdom according to God’s perfect design and destiny.
Even as a fresh wind of Your Spirit is blowing, we declare this Parliament will demonstrate the Kingdom values of honour, righteousness & integrity, that a new level of statesmanship will arise, transforming personal and political agendas, that men and women across all parties will work for the common good, uniting behind God given vision.
Now, we declare over this Nation according to Isaiah 62: 1-4: “Your Majesty, Your Glory and Your Kingdom will again blaze across this land. This is the day when You are connecting the past with the future so we speak to the United Kingdom and we declare the Name of Jesus will be restored across this land”. That as Your Kingdom comes in great measure, this nation will be connected, shaped and positioned for Kingdom destiny.