Twelve Declarations to Shape a Nation. – Day 12 plus 1

Twelve Declarations to Shape a Nation. – Day 12 plus 1

by | Dec 12, 2018 | Miscellaneous

Vote of No Confidence

“Thus says the Lord to His anointed, to Cyrus whose right hand I have held “ Isaiah 45: 1,2 (See NB below)
This is a day when God is shifting nations, He is changing leaders, He is changing Governments, He is changing National and International Alliances. In the Name of Jesus, we declare in these days the United Kingdom will be connected, shaped and positioned in every way for His perfect plan and destiny. We declare this is the day for the Ekklesia to arise, ruling and reigning in the Heavenly realm through prayer, declaration and decree, aligned with heaven.
Even as God’s word states in Proverbs 29:18 “without redemptive revelation the people perish” we decree and declare this nation will have leaders who carry and impart God given vision, and we speak unity into Parliament to follow Your purpose, plan and timing.
Now Lord, we acknowledge, Your ways are higher than our ways and Your thoughts than our thoughts and we submit to You.
Over the vote of no confidence, we declare the power of God appointed leaders to bring about His purpose and His plans.
We decree, will have the leader hand-picked, hand prepared by God, for this time, that they will lead this nation, positioning and fulfilling every God given criteria for blessing and Kingdom destiny to come to this land.


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