
Beware that none distracts you or intimidates you in their attempt to lead you away from Christ’s fullness by pretending to be full of wisdom when they’re filled with endless arguments of human logic. For they operate with humanistic and clouded judgments based on the mindset of this world system, and not the anointed truths of the Anointed One.’  Colossians 2: 8 TPT

In this season of revival, we decree within our Universities, the gospel of Jesus will be spoken with clarity, relevance and the demonstration of the power of the Kingdom of God. We speak the release of a new move of Your Spirit that many will turn to Jesus, experiencing the power of His transforming love and releasing God given purpose. We agree these men and women will be skilled and equipped in the natural, fired by a passionate love for Jesus, filled with His wisdom, that they will rise as leaders within the nation and the nations.  We decree and declare – men and women will encounter Jesus, arising to birth new movements, movements of righteousness, movements of justice and movements of mercy.

Now Lord, we declare You are releasing Your plumb line of righteousness across our universities, over every department, society, lobby group and initiative concerning social justice, rightly dividing between those founded upon Your word and Your truth, and that which is founded upon man’s wisdom and the concepts of human rights and equality. We repent where we have allowed the thoughts of man and the agenda of the enemy to disciple the minds of the young people of this land and we cry out for mercy. We decree and declare In the Name of Jesus, in this day of the impossible becoming possible, Your Word, Your Truth and Your Wisdom will be heard in every Hall of Residence, Campus and Department, changing atmospheres, mindsets, hearts and lifestyles.

We thank you for the power of friendship and covenant relationship, and we speak God given wisdom and protection over our young people.  We speak maturity to them in their choice of companions and friends, and we declare relationships formed will be constructive not destructive, that destiny and calling will be released and not delayed.

We lift up those starting new seasons in life: colleges, universities and jobs, and cry out that they will form strategic friendships which will pull them into encounters with Jesus, and accelerate God given purpose in their lives. We decree and declare friendship with Jesus will undergird them, strengthen them and lead them in all His ways, that they will be a generation who know their true identity is found in Him.

Suzanne Ferrett



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