‘even where there was no reason to hope, Abraham kept hoping – believing that he would become the father of many nations. For God had said to him, ‘That’s how many descendants you will have!’ Romans 4:18. NLT
In the Name of Jesus, we declare in this nation, God is raising a generation who will move, not by might not by power but by His Spirit – irrespective of age, irrespective of colour, irrespective of ethnicity. We declare as they reconnect with the covenantal call and promise given to Abraham, they will move ‘as one’, obedient in word and deed, that in this revival movement millions will be swept into the Kingdom.
‘…for it is impossible for God to lie…….This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary.’ Hebrews 6: 18
Lord, at the start of this new Hebrew season, we thank You for the repentance and prayer which have taken place. Now Lord, we ask that person by person across Your Church, individuals will remember and recover the personal promises given to them by Your Spirit – that fresh faith will come, refreshing and renewing – and trust in You will cause recovery and restoration. We declare You give wisdom to those who ask, and we thank You that as Your people come before Your throne, we will have eyes to see destiny, and understanding of how to move forward, building again with others. We declare, across the nations, there will be a harvest of righteousness and a harvest of souls.
We agree that in this day, God is releasing the armies of heaven.