‘as the Heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts’ Isaiah 55:9
In this year of the double, we decree and declare the dual anointing resting upon this nation to both preach the gospel and to influence cultures across nations will be renewed, reformed and restored.
Lord, we confess where man’s greed, desire for power, ungodly stewardship, foolishness or pride has caused pain, grief or damage. We acknowledge You as the Sovereign God, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and we put our trust in You.
In the Name of Jesus, we decree even as nations were birthed from these shores, and knowledge and wisdom transferred across continents, the apostolic, fathering anointing will again arise upon this land, and we decree a turning, that in this season God’s heart will be our heart and His ways our ways.
We declare He is establishing new Kingdom networks across the nations, networks of Governments, networks of trade and networks of individuals. That even ‘as Peter went aboard and hauled the net to land, full of fish, …and the net was not torn’ ” we declare networks and relationships across God’s people in this land that have not carried life will be replaced and renewed, and the capacity to bring in the fullness of Revival and Kingdom Transformation He is opening before us established. John 21: 11
We declare those Kingdom nets will be extended into other lands, preparing the way that other nations will be blessed with His salvation, His love and His power.
We decree and declare in the Name of Jesus, the UK Parliament will be a source of Kingdom wisdom to all nations struggling to Govern righteously and bring peace (prosperity, health & well-being) and security to their people.
Suzanne Ferrett