We speak health instead of sickness, life instead of death, prosperity against lack in all matters concerning finance and the economy, and that in these days of shaking, many will turn to Jesus.
We declare God is preparing the way for His Kingdom to come in great measure in our land, and we thank Him for the power of forgiveness, that His “mercy triumphs over judgment.” We agree, that in this season of cleansing, a pure Bride is coming forth, holy and on fire for Him, where the reverential fear of the Lord rises above every other fear causing a radical obedience to His Spirit. We declare fresh joy is being released, that strength will come to His people, words of revelation be released and keys given, that God’s people will crossover into the next season.
Lord, we thank You for Your grace and Your mercy, and we thank You for the strategic timings being activated at this time. In the Name of Jesus, we speak Your anointing, Your revelation and Your clarity to every prayer event, large or small taking place around this land, that according to Jeremiah 18:8, the power of prayer and the power of repentance, will cause Your blessing to come upon our nation, releasing a fresh alignment with Your will, Your plans and Your destiny.
We thank You for the increase of prayer across this nation, for the established movements and the new movements, for the prayer groups and the individuals. We declare they will be united in heart, vision and purpose under the headship of Jesus, supporting, strengthening and encouraging, that a highway for Your Presence, will be built within this land.
Now Lord, we ask for Your comfort to those sick or grieving, we ask for peace for those struggling with their circumstances, and health and strength to those working in the NHS and similar fields.
Suzanne Ferrett.