‘’But to the Son He says, Your throne O God, is forever and ever; A sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of Your kingdom’’ Hebrews 1: 8
We recognise across our nation, God is raising a people who will govern in the spiritual realm through Prayer and Declaration, and we declare, His words will be our words and His will our will. We declare the Body of Jesus Christ is arising, taking hold and moving out that the Glory of God will be displayed upon the earth.
We continue to thank Him for every institution, tradition and ritual grounded in Godly inheritance in our land – we decree and declare they will be strengthened and quickened by the power of His Spirit, moving with the new season and re-enforcing truth.
We praise God that every part of the Coronation service, the Oath and the presentation of the regalia carries Godly significance. We thank him for Queen Elizabeth’s Coronation Oath in which she promised, ‘with the utmost of her power, to maintain the Laws of God and the true profession of the Gospel’.
We recall the presentation of a Bible with the words, ‘To keep your Majesty ever mindful of the Law and Gospel of God as the rule for the whole life and government of Christian princes’.
We thank God for the significance of the Sovereign’s Orb which is a symbol of Godly power. A cross above a globe, it represents ‘Christ’s dominion over the world’. It is presented to the Sovereign with the charge, ‘Receive this orb set under the cross and remember the whole world is subject to the Power and Empire of Christ our Redeemer.
Now Lord, we speak Godly wisdom to Sajid Javid as he takes up his position as health secretary and we decree and declare every plan purposed under heaven for this nation will stand strong and secure, as every scheme of man and of the enemy is blown away by the winds of God’s spirit. We declare as Your people increasingly seek His face and discover their purpose, plans of the enemy will increasingly be revealed and thwarted.
Suzanne Ferrett.