God is Changing the Face of the Church

God is Changing the Face of the Church

by | Apr 21, 2020 | Church

We declare in this day, God is changing the Face of His Church across this land; that He is changing us in the hidden place that we will reflect His glory in the visible place. We declare this is a season when He is calling His people into His Presence, to know His heart, His ways and His desires, that a fresh revelation of the power of prayer will come to His people, and that the shifts and the changes He desires will be released within us and through us. We declare, it is a day of opportunity, it is a day of increase and expansion and we decree  God’s people across this land will be positioned, that from those who will touch the one, to those who will touch the many, the reformers, the revivalists and the Ecclesia are coming into position, that the transforming power of Jesus will be released.

We acknowledge He is dealing with our hearts – – from sin issues such as jealousy, competition, sleepiness or apathy, to the distractions that we so quickly give way to, but He is also calling His people into His Presence to experience a fresh revelation of His Majesty, Power, and Covenant Love.

We agree as the Holy Spirit moves across His people in this day, we will change individually and we will change corporately, that we will emerge from this season,  carrying His Heartbeat and the anointing which comes through time spent with Him, cleansed by the fire of God’s Spirit, pure in heart, spirit and soul. We declare as that reverential awe of the Lord arises, a true humility, oneness and authority is being released to His people. We declare this is the day for His people to come out of the wilderness, out of fear and failure, into the dreams, the plans and the purposes He has prepared for them.

We declare His church in this nation will move in obedience  and sensitivity to His Spirit, causing the manifestation of His Kingdom to increase, openly visible beyond buildings and church meetings, onto the streets of our communities, towns and cities.

Suzanne Ferrett.


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