We declare, this is a nation marked out in Heaven for Divine Purpose, and for the Kingdom of God to come in all its fullness. We declare shift and change into the heart of our nation, that according to Your Word in 2 Corinthians 10:5 every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God will be brought down and that His name will again be exalted in this land.
‘Jesus gave them another parable: ‘there once was a woman who had 10 valuable coins. When she lost one of them, she swept her entire house, diligently searching every nook and cranny for that one lost coin. When she finally found it, she gathered all her friends and neighbours for a celebration, telling them, ‘come and celebrate with me! I had lost my precious silver coin, but now I’ve found it. That’s the way God responds every time one lost sinner repents and turns to Him’. Luke 15: 8-10. TPT
We declare over our nation, over our cities, towns and villages – this is the day of salvation. Lord, we thank You for the rejoicing which takes place every time someone turns to You.
We thank You for the value You place upon an individual, for the gold you have put within them, for the purpose for which You made them, that You considered them worth dying for – that whoever they are, wherever they are – they are precious to You.
We declare in this day, Your people will freshly align, that Your heartbeat will be our heartbeat, that we will see as You see, and consider valuable what You consider valuable.
Lord, we thank You for the power of the cross and the blood of Jesus and we agree your message of hope, love and salvation will go forth with clarity and authenticity at this time, touching and communicating with all those who are spiritually open and hungry, from every age group and community. In the Name of Jesus, we declare this is the day for the prodigals to return, and we call out the inheritance of Your gospel, sown into their lives in previous years and we agree it will bring forth fruit.
We agree that as Your Spirit moves many who received Your truth even as children will turn back to You.
We thank You that in this day of growth and expansion – even those hearing Your word and Your truth for the first time, will choose to enter Your Kingdom – In the mighty Name of Jesus.
Suzanne Ferrett
Passion for the Nation