“ And now out of His fullness we are fulfilled! And from him we receive grace heaped upon grace! Moses gave us the Law, but Jesus, the Anointed One, unveils the truth wrapped in tender mercy.” John 1:16 TPT
I would personally like to wish you a very Happy New Year and speak the abundance of God’s grace and mercy over you – that as we move into a New Year, everything which needs to be left behind will be left, what needs to be healed will be healed, and that which needs to be forgiven will be forgiven – that God’s people will move into 2022, able and ready to take hold of every opportunity He is releasing from Heaven for this time.
- We release hope, vision and courage, that even as He has been changing us in the hidden place to bring change in the visible place, God’s people will move forward, walking and speaking in obedience to His spirit. We declare this is the day for the gospel to go forward, in the supermarkets and on the streets, in families and in workplaces, that as many speak, salvations and healings will take place.
- In the Name of Jesus, over Government, over every Bill, Potential Bill, Amendment, Treaty or Law made in 2022 we declare alignment with God’s Kingdom purposes.
- We declare in 2022, a new level of unity will cause God’s people to flow together, united not by the lowest common denominator, but united and aligned by common vision and purpose.
We declare as God’s Spirit broods over this nation, longstanding prejudices will be removed, woundedness healed, and superiority give way to humility, that those from every culture will work together, overcoming personal and cultural divides, that all giftings and callings will be honoured, welcomed and utilised.
Suzanne Ferrett